There is a very good article in the June issue of The Atlantic. It’s called “The Management Myth.” Matthew Stewart, a former business consultant, writes “most of management theory is inane … if you want to succeed in business, don’t get an M.B.A. Study philosophy instead.”
Stewart helped start a successful consultancy, so he knows of what he speaks. His article does a good job of unveiling the wizard behind the curtain, so to speak. “As I plowed through tomes on competitive strategy, business process re-engineering, and the like, not once did I catch myself thinking, Damn! If only I had known this sooner! Instead, I found myself thinking things I never thought I’d think, like, I’d rather be reading Heidegger! It was a disturbing experience. It thickened the mystery around the question that had nagged me from the start of my business career: Why does management education exist?” Worth the read.