Can journalism be saved? That’s the question and the title of Nicholas Lemann’s new piece in the New York Review of Books.
Lemann examines the issue by reviewing many of the recent books written on the crisis the industry has faced in recent years. One statistic: Newsroom employment has decreased 60 percent industrywide from 1990 to 2016, the entire time I’ve worked in the profession.
A quote to start the article:
“The question arises at this point, why are there so many black sheep in journalism? Why so many “fakes”? Why is the epidemic of “yellow journalism” so prevalent? This phrase is applied to newspapers which delight in sensations, crime, scandal, smut, funny pictures, caricatures and malicious or frivolous gossip about persons and things of no public concern.”
While the quote could aptly describe current conditions, it is from Horace White, “one of American journalism’s most esteemed elder statesmen,” writing in 1904.
Here is a list of the books discussed in the article: