This is why it is so important that news media ownership be diverse. According to reports, Sinclair Broadcast Group, owner of one of the largest television chains in the country, is ordering all of its stations to air an anti-Kerry documentary that accuses the senator […]

It’s sad to report that a magazine that I admired a great deal may be seeing the end of its run. The magazine is called Hope, and it serves to call out those great works of altruistic kindness that some heroes in our communities achieve […]

“I freely admit: When I was in the media business, especially after the federal government changed the rules to favor large companies, I tried to sweep the board, and I came within one move of owning every link up and down the media chain,” says […]

Predicting how the election will turn out based on reading habits is about as reliable as “shaking the Magic 8 Ball,” says Corey Pein in the current issue of Folio magazine. Still it’s fun to speculate. “Looking at the upcoming election through the limited lens […]

An excerpt from The Creation of the Media by Paul Starr: “Between 1790 and 1835, while the population grew from 3.9 million to 15 million, the number of newspapers in the United States climbed eleven-fold, from 106 to 1,258. For every 100 households, there were […]

An essay in today’s New York Times eloquently sums up the state we find ourselves in today with regard to American media. It’s written by Andrew Kohut, director of the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. In his essay, Kohut writes, “Americans […]

Did anyone catch this gaffe by the New York Post? I guess the final call on the cover story tip, according to an article in today’s New York Times, came from none other than Rupert Murdoch himself. According to the Times story, Murdoch called in […]

A couple of weeks ago, the Federal Communications Commission reversed its ruling of a year ago that basically allowed big media to get even bigger. To me, it was the right thing for the FCC to do. Here is a story in the St. Paul […]

It’s all about selling space. Here is an interesting article about a young entrepreneur named John McDonald. Not only is this 35-year-old the owner of trendy eateries such as the Canteen in SoHo, and Midtown’s Lever House, but he is also a budding magazine publisher. […]

Are magazines next? That’s the question put forth in this month’s Folio magazine, the trade magazine for those in the magazine publishing business. The question refers to that political hot button of the day: outsourcing. “It’s an increasingly familiar picture: the transfer of work that […]