What does the future hold for journalism? That’s a question that can be answered in any number of ways, from various perspectives. One industry leader takes on the question as he looks back on his career in Breaking News: The Remaking of Journalism and Why […]
Journalism has a focus problem. That’s according to newly released research from the Journalism Innovation Project at the University of Oxford, and the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. The reports title says much: “Time to step away from the ‘bright, shiny things’? Towards […]
Recently, the Columbia Journalism Review conducted an experiment to convince people to “take responsibility for the news they consume.” To do this, CJR set up a newsstand in midtown Manhatten, but instead of stocking it with real titles they replaced them with misinformation pulled from […]
Bob Woodward, well-known journalist who broke the Watergate scandal, has published his latest book looking at the inner workings of the presidency. Woodward has covered nine administrations, but he has “never encountered a president like President Trump,” according to his interview with Terry Gross. Fear: […]
“The role of the reporter is changing, as are the economics of education,” observes the Columbia Journalism Review. In this story, the review asks this provocative question: “With this new calculus, does journalism school still have a place in our profession?” Three professionals weigh in: […]
I recently came across this study extolling the virtues of print and paper in a digital world. Now I’m sure you have to take the results with a grain of salt, seeing that they come from a group called Two Sides, “a global initiative by […]
Results from the 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation Survey on Trust, Media and Democracy have just been released. The results show that technology had made it easier for Americans to connect with each other and to find information, but those advances also present both “challenges and opportunities […]
Folio published an interesting infographic this past summer that highlights some of the efforts magazine publishers are making to attract and keep reader attention. A couple of interesting stats show that longform writing can still attract readers when it is good: * 3.4 million, number […]
In this era of “fake news” what media brands remain as trusted sources of news? The University of Missouri recently conducted a survey to find out. Ad Week highlights the results of the questionnaire that reached 9,000 people. Twenty-eight newsrooms asked their audiences to answer […]
Are journalists becoming more sequestered to coastal and metropolitan settings? Why? These are good questions addressed in this post at The Atlantic. “There’s little question the journalistic class has diverged sharply from the country it covers. In 1960, nearly a third of reporters and editors […]