OK, I apologize for being a bad blogger. I promise to add new material on a more regular basis. Here is an interesting piece (http://www.triangle.com/books/zane/story/1151270p-7254225c.html). If you want to read what a scathing book review reads like, check it out. It is a book review […]

I realize that I have been neglectling my Web site, but work has been crazy busy (co-workers reading this will know what I am talking about). Here is an interesting biblio tidbit: Was Nabokov a plagiarist? I guess the term is “cryptomnesia,” meaning he stole […]

If you love books, you will love this site. It is called Project Gutenberg, aptly named after the first press with moveable type. At the site (http://www.gutenberg.net/), volunteers have worked to place more than 10,000 books free on the Internet, books that are in the […]

For an insightful view of the state of American literary culture today, read Sven Bikerts essay in the latest issue of Book Forum (http://www.bookforum.com/birkerts.html) It is sure to stir debate. “By the mid-’90s, it was obvious to many people that the rules of the literary […]

This site is supposed to be about ideas only. With that rule firmly established, I’m about to break it. This is not a site about consumption, but I must point to one Web site that offers the must-haves for readers. Most of you probably have […]

Talk about knowing your audience. To be published July 1, 2004: The Paris Review Book for Planes, Trains, Elevators and Waiting Rooms. Sounds perfect to me. The book includes short stories by such famous authors as V.S. Naipal, Alice Munroe, Philip Roth, and Joyce Carol […]