The National Endowment for the Arts report on the nation’s reading habits seems to have some legs. This weekend’s New York Times magazine contained an essay on the subject by Mark Edmundson, the Daniels Family Distinguished Teaching Professor at the University of Virginia. His new […]
I have never done this before, but I will admit it was kind of fun. Nearly every weekend, as part of the weekend programming for Book TV, C-SPAN features a live in-depth, three hour discussion with an author. Today’s discussion was with Simon Winchester, an […]
Do the media have any responsibility in keeping fiction and poetry alive in America? That’s the question the Poynter Institute’s Book Babes ask in response to the recent report issued by the National Endowment for the Arts. As I posted here on my blog, earlier […]
“In 1803, [under the Sedition Act] a grand jury in Columbia County, New York, indicted Harry Croswell for seditious libel against President Jefferson,” writes author Ron Chernow in his wonderful new biography, Alexander Hamilton. As his defense lawyer, Croswell wanted Hamilton. The case generated intense […]
Simply put, nobody reads anymore. According to a survey released this morning by the National Endowment for the Arts, in this world of video games, movies and televisions the size of football fields, fewer people are putting their noses in a book these days. “The […]