Are the “two cultures” really that far apart. When C.P. Snow first made the reference between the gap between science and the humanities, he thought little about psychology, Gregory Currie writes in The Sunday Times about what reading literature claims on the mind. “But things […]
Courtesy of James Fallows: The Net Needs the News
Here is an interesting take on the value the journalist brings to journalism. Is it storytelling? Or is the article itself–the finely crafted prose that brings the details into context–simply becoming a luxury by product? In his blog post, Jeff Jarvis highlights a few episodes […]
This post’s title is also the title of a book containing many essays and other works on the state of journalism by Anna Politkovskaya, a special correspondent for the Russian newspaper Novaya gazeta who was murdered in Moscow on October 7, 2006, for her probing […]
News consumption is up, but only at online news outlets, according to an annual review of the state of the industry. For the first time in the survey’s history, consumers’ primary source for news wasn’t print newspapers. From the AP: “The rapid growth of smart […]
“Long-form journalism is the only homegrown American literary form,” writes Virginia Heffernan in this essay in the New York Times. Is “narrative nonfiction” an American artform? The genre has suffered in recent years, due to the economic downturn and the pressure it has placed on […]
Authors Tom Rosenstiel and Bill Kovach and their book Warp Speed: America in the Age of Mixed Media were very influential when I was completing my graduate studies of today’s transitional media environment. The two noted journalists now have a new book titled Blur: How […]
New York Times media columnist David Carr shares some thoughts in a recent column about journalists moving to the Web, and the disappearing divide between online and print media. He highlights some of the struggles media companies continue to face and shares some of his […]
The latest issue of Granta includes an article on Nostalgia. Part of that issue includes this Web-only feature that reprints an old essay called Ribbon of Valour. The discussion about whether new technology is really better didn’t begin with the invention of the Internet. From […]
A few months ago, The Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism released its annual study of the media business. As you might guess, it’s bleak. The questions aren’t just about how the media will recover after a (let’s hope) short-term recession, but rather they center […]