An interesting story in today’s New York Times: "The United States is tied with Myanmar for sixth place among countries keeping the most journalists behind bars, according to a new report from the Committee to Protect Journalists." According to the report, China tops the list […]
Here is the link to Part II of Michael Massing’s look at the state of journalism today. In his previous article (see the link in the previous post), Massing looked at the external pressures placed on today’s media. With this article, he looks at journalism […]
This is a must-read. Michael Massing asks is this "the end of news"? According to this article in the Review, "The Bush administration has restricted access to public documents as no other before it. According to a recent report on government secrecy by, a […]
In the year 2014, The New York Times has gone offline. The Fourth Estate’s fortunes have waned. What happened to the news? What is EPIC?" Click on this eight-minute clip to find out. It’s chilling. It’s what we wanted, right? Here is some of the […]
I guess I am a week late on this, but I understand that Jon Stewart lit into the magazine publishing world during a recent MPA event. His session titled, "Laughing Matters: Magazines Celebrate Humor" made fun of some of the industry’s sacred cows. Funny stuff […]
“If you’re a Subaru-driving face painter with a jones for Jane Austen, there’s a magazine — actually, three — for you. Bill Dawson of the Star Tribune put together this funny story on just how specific magazine titles can be. Subiesport, Your guide to tuning […]
This is an interesting and tragic story in Miami. A Miami politician who was outed soliciting prostitutes and laundering money killed himself in the lobby of the Miami Herald. Before doing so, the distraught man called one of the paper’s columnists, a friend of many […]
It seems that the American public increasingly distrusts the news media and feels that it is "too hard on America." A recent study conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found that people are "overwhelmingly disatisified" with the news. This […]
Judith Miller went to jail today. If you don’t know the story, she is a New York Times reporter who, according to today’s New York Times story, refused to reveal her confidential source to a grand jury investigating the disclosure of a CIA operative. "If […]
This post is for some of my former editing colleagues. See, I am not the only one who believes that this is a good cover model. There’s a market there: Building for Bananas, Primatologist Shootout. OK, it’s an insider joke. You know who you are. […]