Tis the season when media outlets and others begin to list their best books of the year. Do you have your favorites? The New York Times has published its shortlist for the year. And today, Bill Gates released his annual video of five books that […]

I love Apple’s latest holiday ad called “Share Your Gifts.” As the commentators from Ad Week say, the commercial shows that while sharing your work with the world is difficult, it is also vital. “According to the ad’s creators, research has shown that 7 out […]

Recently, the Columbia Journalism Review conducted an experiment to convince people to “take responsibility for the news they consume.” To do this, CJR set up a newsstand in midtown Manhatten, but instead of stocking it with real titles they replaced them with misinformation pulled from […]

There’s a difference between audience and traffic. This piece from L2 Inc shows that there is a hunger for real news and information. Consumers are willing to pay for it too. Businesses that fail to understand the difference between audience and traffic are likely going […]

This must be the most remarkable personal library in the world. I’ve highlighted it before, but I recently came across this video highlighting some of its features in greater detail. It is called a library of human imagination, and it is the brainchild of Jay […]